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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 5, 2009 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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>> contributions from donors. >> hallie c-span funded? 30 years ago america's cable companies funded c-span as a private service. no government money. >> up next a segment of bbc "newsnight." reporters debate british prime ministers orton brown reshuffle. he said despite a poor showing in elections and he would not step down. >> good evening. this is the tumultuous week in
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21st century british politics and it's far from over. disasters, it is a recent certainty that result will pile on the misery. in the past 24 hours seven members have resigned. there has been a hasty reshuffle which appeared at first to shore up orden brown's position. but then there is a depth charge. or acquisition was little more than window dressing could prove to be very damaging. earlier gordon brown said that he learned from his late father always to be honest. repeatedly denied he ever thought of replacing alistair darling as counselor. this made for grim reading of labor. results show that any general election, this would put the lowest at 23%, boost into third place by the liberal democrats.
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our first report tonight is by david cameron. >> this was a 24 hours bracketed by two government resignations, each in their way damaging for the prime minister. james purnell stood down last night and called on gordon brown to do the same. carolines let resigned this evening angry at how she and other women have been treated. gordon brown is tonight still a damaged but aberrant determined prime minister. >> i'm not going to lockley. i am going to keep doing the job that i set out to do and that's my message. to keep on with the job. >> his chances of doing that were hit who knows how hard my james purnell resignation just as the polls were closing last night. >> what exactly has happened? there is. it will be seen, dear gordon, i quit. be any impact at james purnell's explosive resignation letter was to set this place into siege
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mode, a reshuffle scheduled for monday designed to completely remodel the face of the administration when scrap, and in its place a far more modest survival reshuffle was started at once. alastair darling who was going to be nude was in fact kept at the treasury. he was also left where he was. and the man once by any labor mps to replace gordon brown himself was promoted. >> good evening. but he doesn't appear to want to take over from gordon brown. his job really, the ambition have you now mr. jansen? >> i am way past my ambition. some of my ambition was minister or something. so this is fabulous, and it's a real honor. >> the secretary john hutton also resigned but was often loyal in his departure spivak i believe very strongly that it is the responsibility of all labor
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to show unity and support for our leader and our prime minister at this time. and that is certainly what i will be doing when i go back to the backbenchers. >> the man credited with protecting gordon brown from the cabinet to is lord mandelson, the business secretary. he was awarded with a new title of the first to secretary of state. >> what the party needs to do now is unite behind the prime minister. he is by far the biggest figure in british politics, to lead the country in the face of a very difficult times, economically and politically, and i believe you will see the entire cabinet falling behind the prime minister, and nobody followed james' lead. >> the prime ministers position was looking more secure as a journalist arrived for a press conference in. about 10 minutes in this happen. >> caroline flint just resigned yet last night she came out and gave you her full support. what does that say about the support for other ministers, are they going to resign now?
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>> she was and has been a very good minister. >> caroline flint is a very close friend of the former communities secretary who resigned wednesday. the pair shared the view that she had been very harshly treated by the prime minister. >> but under we understand extreme pressure from downing street, carolines let last night getting very supported interview effectively killing off speculation she was about to resign. it seemed like she was expecting promotion. a resignation letter was devastating. she wrote to the prime minister you have a two-tier government. your inner circle and then the remainder of cabinet. several other women she said attending cabinet, myself included, have been treated by you as little more than female windowdressing. she went on, i am a natural party loyalist. you have strained every sinew of that loyalty. meanwhile, back at a press conference the prime minister told reporters that he had been taught by his father to always tell the truth, but they came
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very close to accusing him of lying about his plans to dump alistair darling. >> and were simply unable to do so? >> no, no. >> you said you were going to be candid because everyone in this room knows that that is what you wanted to do. all your closest aides have been going around westminster this week saying that you wanted to sack the chancellor and at the last minute you just haven't been able to do at. >> no, alistair darling is not only in the house of commons. >> many journals in which i get they had received just such a briefing from number 10 sources that alistair darling was finished. >> gordon brand has a reputation for giving somewhat boring press conferences. not this one. this is a very diminished prime minister from the one we saw a few days ago in the comments. he made it very clear today if there are still people in his party who want him to quit, well, they are going to drag him out of this building. the question is are any of them still planning to try? >> those plans might be affected
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by what happens in the local election results. labor lost control of its four remaining county councils in england. three went to the conservatives. people are yearning for a strong and positive and united alternative to a government that's failing and i think they see in the party that that alternative is their. >> meanwhile, they won control of bristol. >> newcastle, sheffield and now bristol as well. it is a complete part of the complete transformation of city politics in this country from labor to the liberal democrats, and that of course in my view is a sign of things to come. >> the reshuffle appears to be over, but gordon brown's problems are anything but. >> we're now joined. he was promoted back into the cabinet.
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first of all, this wasn't a reshuffle that gordon brown wanted, wasn't? >> i don't know, but what he has done is he has renewed his cabinet, renewed the government. because we now need to move forward and make sure that we get onto the real issues that affect people which is making sure we protect their jobs, making sure we invest in housing, making sure we get mortgages flowing to people. those are the issues that we need to be governing effectively, and that's what we're going to do. >> we also have to have, don't we, a prime minister of probity? he invoked his late father today and said his father always told him to be honest, and yet when he was asked whether alistair darling was really always going to be the chancellor in this reshuffle, he immediately said yes, we know that's not true. >> you're focusing if i may say so, on the bubble politics. >> you are focusing on --
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>> what matters is a chancellor, alistair darling, has faced the toughest challenge of any chancellor in living memory with this global financial crisis. he's been tackling that he is going to take a fall as is the whole of the cabinet with a prime minister leading because those are the issues. and we are also going to point out some people that there are multibillion cuts planned and they are going to savagely cut public services if they get the chance to enter number 10. >> it will be a real choice facing the country between labor and investing in the future and taking that agenda forward, the future for the company and they are determined to roll back into the old right-wing policies. >> are you saying to me than that a prime minister takes a press conference and says several times he is going to be candid, and then says what he is above all else is honest. he says there was no question of ever removing alistair darling as a chancellor when number 10
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reached several journalists including the bbc's that alistair darling was not going to be chancellor in the reshuffle. as far as you are concerned, that doesn't matter. >> i'm saying i don't know any of these points that you are putting to be. i know as a new cabinet member it is my job making sure that whales voice is heard in reflecting wilson's voice in the cabinet and making sure that our message gets across in a way that we haven't been able to do. we haven't communicated much in the last few months as the whole of the parliamentary expenses scandal engulfed in british politics. we are also tackling the big economic agenda and having the prime minister, and we saw brilliantly leaving the whole of the world in taking the world forward. >> what does it say about how he leads -- how he leads his cabinet, and tonight with the resignation of, and she said
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your best, you know, the way our team is constructed, you know, the opponent is irrelevant. and in a team sport, that's ra rare. >> number one, they struggled with their shooting. actually tied the second fewest field goals made in a final game, which is 23. their 29.9% shooting, the lowest since the 2003 spurs shot 28.9% in game 4 against the nets. san antonio won that series. and it was the lowest field goal percentage since game 1 since 1951. >> coming up, plaxico burress and his lawyers are hoping he can play football this fall. we have a behind the scenes report on the play. (marco andretti) i race to win.
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i know when it's the perfect time to change my tires. when it comes to shaving i know when to change my blade. (announcer) gillette fusion's indicator strip fades to white when it may be time to change. fresh blade. better shave.
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>> welcome back. ten days after complaining about the uncertainty of the colts coaching staff, peyton manning said today he has a better understanding of the situation. here's the deal. two long time assistants who worked closely with manning all these years, offensive coordinator tom moore, and offensive line coach howard mud retired to make sure they could collect their pensions in a lump sum. the owner said he expects them to return as consultants, but in what role? colts began its three he-day mandatory mini camp. and they're moving forward with collide christensen as coordinator. >> we've dealt with changes in the past. i know that we've won a lot of games around here. i feel that we do know how to win games. so no matter how it plays out, i feel we'll be in a good
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situation that coach caldwell will handle it and make the changes accordingly. and all i can do is focus on my job and trying to be the best quarterback i can be. but the work we've done so far this week, and the work that i expect to get done this week at the mini camp really got me feeling good about things. >> brian westbrook had surgery on his right ankle today of the maybe more severe than first thought. he will be ready for the regular season. this is the second off season surgery for westbrook. he had his knee cleaned after the title game. cris carter, what about the injury? concerned eagles fans, is that something new? absolutely not. brian westbrook's ankle. should you be concerned in you should be. same surgery i had a number of years ago, but the difference was i had it in february right when the season ended. so my whole rehab was stretched out through the off season. westbrook is going to lose his
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conditioning because he can't do anything weight bearing on that ankle. so that's going to set him back. so once he gets to training camp, he's going to be working on getting into game shape. in conditioning that will carry him in november and december. because there is no off season if westbrook is not healthy. >> this is a man who touches the football a lot out of the back field. receiving and running. so, naturally he's going to get a lot of injuries, and he's missed some games over the years. we'll see if he can make it to week one after his off season surgeries this year. >> sal paolantonio reports with ten days to go in a critical appearance in a manhattan criminal court, the attorney for plaxico burress is working behind the scenes to find a negotiated settlement that would allow burress to play football this fall. here's sal with more on his report. >> why is the team taking this approach? well, burress wants to play
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football in 2009. the only way he with do that is avoiding jail time. the way to do that is try to get the trial postponed until 2010. but there are three hurdles to that. first the district attorney's office would have to agree. and so far sources say the d.a.'s office is determined not to allow burress to get any special treatment. the manhattan criminal court judge hearing the case on june 15 would have to approve the deal. and nfl commissioner roger goodell would have to decide not to punish burress in the inter interim. nfl spokesman greg aiello said on friday, what other personal conduct policy would be applied in that case if there's a postponement hasn't been determined, but it hasn't been ruled out. >> plaxico burress, averaging a career high 19.9 yards yards per reception in 2004. but you can see, looks like my
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401k. >> last year, second lowest season average of his nine-year career. 13 yards per catch. >> baseball now. bad news for the mets. j.j. putz will undergo surgery to remove a bone spur from his right elbow. he's expected to miss 10 to 12 weeks. claiming the elbow hurts like hell. in the last inning and a third he's pitched, he's given up seven earned runs. >> watch your mouth. >> i'm just quoting. my mom would wash it out with soap. >> i still would have said heck, knowing my mom would be watching. >> i'm going to get a phone call when i get off the set. jose reyes, one of the notables on this list. along with a calf injury and torn hamstring. we asked our manager at what point would he approach the front office if he was the manager of the mets about making a deal? >> if i'm the manager of the new york mets, i don't go to the general manager. first of all, they've got almost a 150 million payroll. put yourself in the general manager's shoes. he then has to go to ownership.
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he's said if he we can have this much money and trade for this guy in the off season, now you're put in position to do that again. i guarantee that man ear jess had input on the players now. you're better off saying we're going to make these guys better, we're going to get healthy. we've barely played a third in the season. let's hold on here and don't put your gm in position to do something. you're managing the people on the field. i don't think it's your job to tell him you have to do something. >> well, the mets in a dog fight and dealing with injuries. taking on the nationals. it's a 1-1 game in the top of the 7th inning. tim redding. dealing in this one, six innings dealing with one earned run. and six hits. >> coming up, they might be the best two teams in the national league, and they're squaring off again tonight. we'll talk to two starters who taking a bath and going for a swim became the same thing for a few days?
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>> what to watch for later tonight. major league baseball. two of the best in the national league, the dodgers and the phillies. couple lefties going at it. jamie moyer, and eric milton, 10:00 o'clock. after 10. first pitch. bring in todd who covers the phillies.
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hello, todd. >> hi, how are you? >> let's talk about jamie moyer, any concern from phillie nation on his performance this year? >> well, early on, no question jamie was certainly struggling. but the good news is his last three starts he's pitched a lot better. that's nothing that's going to set the world on fire. but with his offense, if any pitcher on his pitching stach staff can keep their era around that, they'll probably win a lot of games. so i think the phillies are hoping that jamie can continue to pick up what he's been doing the last three games. >> bill:. >> i saw the phillies recently myself down at yankee stadium. this is an impressive team when you see them in person. they've got nice bullpen guys. maybe another starting pitcher is what they'd like to have. let's talk about this team who could well repeat as nl champions. what are they looking for to plug the holes? >> right now they're looking for starting pitching help. they've got two rookies in the rotation now, myers is lost for the season. he had hip surgery on thursday. they're shooting big.
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they'd like jake peavy or roy oswalt, or roy hal aday. but of course those trades aren't easily made. if they can't get them, there are some other guys they'd consider. eric bedard, that type of thing. they're looking for a right-handed bat off the bench. they're shorthanded in that department. they brought up a triple-a kid who played for about a week. they want to get him more playing time in triple-a. so those two things. the starting pitching, and the right-handed bat off the bench. otherwise they're very comfortable. they're scoring a ton of runs. they're great defensively. this he don't make a lot of errors. the bullpen is solid. so overall, the phillies are pretty happy with what they have right now. >> any explanation why they're 12 and 14 at home, and 20 and 6 on the road? >> that is the big mystery. we've been talking to the players a lot about that. talking to charlie manuel about that. and their explanation is it's just the way they've gone so far. this is a team last year that went 7-0 in the post season. i don't think it's anything of them putting too much pressure
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on themselves at home or being more relaxed on the road. i think for whatever reason, it's one of those quirky baseball things that you think over the course of a 162 game schedule it's going to even out, and by the end of the year they'll be a good team at home as well. >> going for the eighth win in a row. thank you, todd. >> thanks. >> on the other side of the equation, phillie beat the dodgers last night. and joining us now is jim pelts from the los angeles times. and l.a. has to have relief. they don't have to face hamilton tonight. but what do you think of this team's offense? they've managed just two runs in the last four games. >> joe torre said as much before the game started tonight. there is no question the offense has eased up a bit. the dodgers still have -- they're tied for the best batting average in baseball. much they could tie with the bluejays. in six games where they've scored two runs or less, now the way the dodgers explained it, they don't see anything particularly wrong, they're not going to change anything.
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but there's no question that some of the power they saw early in the year from the likes of andre eeghtier and matt camp and things like that have got to start showing up. until manny ramirez gets back on july 3rd. when you think about it, their top home run hitter at the moment is casey blake. not what they expect when they broke camp. >> you mentioned manny ramirez, and the team misses him. but what is the talk in the clubhouse about the outfielder right now. >> the players say he's the only way they can make it to the postseason. as you would expect, they believe they can go quite the distance without him and play good ball. actually they've shown that since the suspension started. they were not quite as strong as they were when they first broke camp. but they're still pretty good. >> on the other hand, they find a lot of the discussion about manny to be a moot point. it's not like he has an injury where it's all speculative as to when he'll return and how good he'll be.
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because they know they're going to get him back. they find a lot of the questions sort of beside the point. >> jim, good enough to stop by with us here on espnews. thanks so much. >> you're welcome,. >> still to come, roger federer is one of the all time greats, but he's never won a french open title. title. (marco andretti) i race to win. i know when it's the perfect time to change my tires. when it comes to shaving i know when to change my blade. (announcer) gillette fusion's indicator strip fades to white when it may be time to change. fresh blade. better shave. then log on to, where you'll find four-star hotels at two-star prices. when four-star hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them... so you get them at prices lower than any other travel site, guaranteed. like four stars in san francisco. travelocity price, $215. hotwire hot rate, just $109. so pick a city, then get a four-star hotel at a two-star price.
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